Matching Donations Fall 2024 Campaign
We are asking you to help us and, for a limited time, we can double your donation. Generous donors have offered to match up to $5000. Donations sent by December 23 will be matched. You can receive a tax-deductible receipt, because we have partnered with a charity, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO). Here’s how it works: Friends of the Mindemoya Old School will add up the donations received, and the total will be matched. ACO will issue you a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.
There are many ways to
donate. Click here to find out:

Check out our latest blogs

A great centre for older adults

Heat pumps save energy

Birthday Bash 2024 and 50-50 Draw
Friends of the Mindemoya Old School (FOMOS)’ mission is to renovate, retrofit and repurpose this historical building as an accessible senior centre and year-round hub for artists and artisans. On the main level, local artists and artisans will create, display and sell their work in a centrally-located hub in downtown Mindemoya. It will boost the incomes of the local artistic community, especially women and Indigenous artists; fill a void in support for older adults; boost tourism, adding to the economic activity on Manitoulin Island; help to address the climate crisis by showcasing green technologies; and provide ongoing jobs in maintenance and programming. Revenue from rents in the artists’ hub will largely sustain the operations.
FOMOS has identified the need for facilities and programs to create an Age-Friendly Community, and to that end, we are planning and will establish a Senior centre. It will be inclusive, equitable, holistic, and integrated into the bigger picture of community programs over the long term. The senior centre will support the elderly in living independently allowing them to age in place in their own community. It will provide a common area to socialize and create a sense of belonging, combating isolation; and to engage in games, fitness and wellness activities. The nearest seniors’ centre is 45 kilometres away. The project will not only provide jobs in the construction phase, but it will also benefit the community.
For our organization FOMOS, the Mindemoya Old School is much more than just another building to be torn down.
The Mindemoya school was one of Ontario’s very first consolidated schools and played a pivotal role in developing the very fabric of what we all love about Manitoulin Island.
FOMOS is on a mission to reinvent and celebrate this historical building and it's community for its second 100 years moving forward.
​This building was built in 1922 and the brick laid was meant to stand the test of time. Its life as a school may be over but there are now endless possibilities for this strongly constructed, beautiful old building. We hope you will help us in preserving this special part of Central Manitoulin’s history!